Monday, January 28, 2019

Stupid People and Good Advice

All our social programs are aimed to salvage people who had no good sense and didn’t listen to sensible advice. There are some people who arrive with disabilities or are retarded or psychotic, but I’m talking about ordinary people, the ones in your neighborhood, going to school, and so on.

Say no to drugs is good advice, but Nancy Reagan’s motto was widely mocked by druggies, pushers, growers, smugglers, the media and assorted smart-asses. And now thousands of people are dead of overdoses, millions of dollars are spent for maintenance drugs like methadone to keep people off worse drugs, parks are littered with needles, pharmaceutical companies who invented all the street drugs out there are now inventing new ways to divert addicts from street drugs to pharmaceuticals, and so on. And the psychs tell us addiction is a lifelong brain disease so too bad, if you got hooked even once, you have to be on BigPharma’s drugs for the rest of your life.

Say no to drugs is good advice and doing so will substantially improve the survival of self, family, group and mankind. But it was more fun to make fun of the slogan because drugs are, you know, pretty fun and profitable and after your first high which you spend the rest of your short life chasing, you see things you ordinarily wouldn’t such as people nodding away in the parks and alleys, shooting up on the subways and under bridges, crap blowing in the wind from homeless camps, crazy assholes on psychiatric meds shooting up schools and churches, addicts robbing liquor stores and gas stations or giving blow jobs to pay for their next fix.

So the things that mother told you such as “wait till you find the right person before you have sex,” was also pretty stupid especially when you were thinking with inflamed sexual equipment. So nothing like stalkers, AIDS, abortions, former partners killing current partners, beatings, rapes, broken marriages and half of all kids in the US born to single parents, (which means mothers) which means they didn’t give a shit and had sex with a loser who just wanted sex, and had enough sex to get pregnant and then got abandoned because the guy didn’t love them and so then they have to work and raise a kid too, or go on welfare, and hundreds of welfare mothers sitting in housing projects watching TV waiting for the baby daddy to come in at night for a roll in the hay. And the boys have no role model so they follow the corner drug dealer, and the girls follow their mothers and become the next generation of public housing tv watchers.

A recent survey said that 55percent of married men had affairs with at least five people and 50 percent of women admitted affairs with one man. And now just to help out the cheating and lying, there are social media sites to hook up married people who get bored. And instead of Playboy there is online porno to really get the juices pumping.

It was really stupid to think that anybody would follow grandma’s advice. “Save your money,” she would say, “so you can pay for things instead of using credit.” But she was stupid and old, and while banks used to pay interest, they now charge fees to save your money, and you get free shit with credit cards, but if you miss a payment or go late, the interest rate shoots up to 36 percent with fees on top of that, and even federal workers with good salaries and great benefits live paycheck to paycheck and go on food stamps after a 30-day government shutdown. And while you’re struggling to pay the rent, another “free” credit card offer arrives. So in 2016 nearly a million people filed for bankruptcy, and twice that filed in the 2008 economic plunge.

Doesn’t it kind of piss you off? Part of it is the “go with the flow” mentality. If other people are doing it, I should do it too. Lemmings off the cliff. Part of it is the “If it feels good, do it.” You can blame the CIA for that one. They experimented on college kids with LSD, and idiots like Timothy Leary and Ken Kesey spread the drugs across the country, and drugs and sex and rock ‘n roll was all that mattered. It felt good to toss away your tired old rules and just go for it….

And here we are today, blaming others for our sorry state, checking the “sad face” in our doctor’s office and sitting with the nice psychiatrist who tells us the latest hokum brain disease bullshit and hooks us up with the most expensive psycho pharmaceutical that the insurance company will pay for. “I have PTSD” we whine, or “I’m ADHD so you’ll have to excuse me,” or “I have Tourette’s Syndrome so if I start shouting ‘YOU JERKS ALL GO TO HELL YOU ARE SO STUPID YOU MAKE MY HEAD HURT!’” please forgive me.

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